The Highland Haven Property Owner Association (POA) owns and maintains six parks, only one of which is developed (Dove Park). Our all-volunteer of POA Board, has been hard at work mapping out a vision and a long-term plan for our Parks. We’ve completed our Parks Survey. Thank you to everyone in our community who took the time to respond to our Parks Survey. Nearly 150 responses were tabulated. You can view or download the survey results here
Highland Haven POA Parks Survey Results
Community feedback from the Parks Survey is the first step in the process to develop a Parks Strategic Plan. The next step will be to choose 2-3 parks and begin to distill the ideas and survey feedback into a specific plan, with a timeline, resource requirements and cost estimates. Nearly 90 respondents offered to participate in project committees, fundraising, or offered to donate time/money. If you shared your contact information in the survey, expect to hear from us by late August.