Drought Status

Central Texas Groundwater Conservation District has implemented 15% MANDATORY Drought Water Reductions effective for all exempt and non-exempt water wells.  The MANDATORY Reductions are effective January 1 through December 31, 2024.

This will reduce the City of Highland Haven groundwater permit from 82 acre feet to 69 acre feet; therefore, all Highland Haven water customers are required to reduce water use immediately.

With a link to more info:

The City of Highland Haven Board of Alderman will be reviewing and updating our drought contingency plan to comply with our reduced water permit.

Central Groundwater Conservation District: https://www.centraltexasgcd.org/

Stage 4 Conservation Methods include:

· Re-use and re-circulate water whenever possible.

· Check for and repair all leaks immediately.

· No watering of lawns or landscapes.

· No vehicle washing.

· Do not use water to wash sidewalks, driveways, parking areas, streets, tennis courts, or any outdoor surfaces except when required for human or animal health and safety reasons, or fire hazard prevention.

Providing groundwater to ponds, tanks, lakes, reservoirs, swimming pools, or other surface impoundments for holding water regardless of capacity is PROHIBITED.

· Water for dust control only when required by law.

· Watering livestock in leak-proof troughs is highly recommended.

Property owners irrigating with Private wells and/or lake water should be following the Central Texas Groundwater Conservation District and LCRA restrictions.

Reduce outdoor water usage and follow the LCRA lawn watering schedule below:

  • Wednesday and Saturdays for addresses ending in odd numbers
  • Thursdays and Sundays for addresses ending in even numbers
  • Hours: Midnight to 10 a.m. and 8 p.m. to Midnight