Please review our ordinances before starting any additions or construction projects on land or…
Planning and Zoning
P&Z is reviewing and updating Ordinance #59, Parking and Storage of Vehicles. Next P&Z Meeting…
Emergency Preparedness / FEMA Hazard Mitigation Plans (Emergency Notification System) Get emergency alerts/warnings by text, email and phone for any location…
LCRA Floodgate Operations Notification Service (FONS)
Free service to notify subscribers of floodgate operations at any of the Highland Lakes dams….
Yard Mowing
With recent rains vegetation is growing fast. Please keep lots, yards, shrubs and trees appropriately…
Highland Haven Ordinances We continue to receive complaints from residents regarding ordinance violations including: Too many pets…
HH Water System
Time Savings Tip!! Water customers can pay in advance! Your credit balance will appear on…
Safety On Our Streets “Drive like your kids and grandkids live here!”
Complaints have been received re: underage youth operating golf carts on city streets. Drivers must…